Alongside an effective ecommerce website, a well-designed email newsletter is essential to ensure customer retention.
At the same time the monitoring of said email newsletter is equally important. That is whether or not people receive it and what they do with it when they do. Do they delete it straightaway, do they click through to your ecommerce website and make a purchase, or does it simply sit there and not get read?
Knowing how your emails are received is a vital tool and allows you to change what you are doing in line with your recipients’ direct reactions your email.
While email is has lost its lustre with a lot of people, and is no longer as exciting as it once was, it is still a tangible and effective way to hold favour with returning customers and to direct them back to your ecommerce solution and ensure repeat business.
At Store Express we can offer quick, easy, inexpensive and professional ecommerce solutions, on which you can base your email marketing campaigns.
Contact our sales team today on 0845 050 3500 or at for more information.