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According to the MoBank Group Britain is losing around 10 billion pounds a year through its lack of mobile support. To combat this huge loss Mobank has created a mcommerce service called MoPowered. This service is designed to increase mobile accessibility for all merchants using mobiles. Chief executive Dominic Keen said “we estimate that 80% of UK merchants currently aren’t on mobile.” This is a surprising figure as the potential for mobile shopping from ecommerce websites is becoming more and more. Internet giant Google announced that now 15% of all online traffic is via mobile devices. To put that into perspective not owning a mobile website is the equivalent to closing your ecommerce website 1 day a week. When put like that you can start to see how important and valuable mobile shoppers are.


Why is Mobile so good for ecommerce?

With more and more people being able to access the web on the go via mobiles and tablet computers the importance of mobile ecommerce websites has never been greater. Mobile shopping is an increasingly popular way to shop. In a recent study it has been estimated that by 2016 almost 14 million people worldwide will be using their phones to shop online. If you’re not mobile by then, you’re missing out on potentially 14 million sales!


How can I save my ecommerce?

The simple answer is allow mobile shoppers the ability to shop via your site. This can be done in many ways each more effective than the other. For the best mobile experience a dedicated mobile website styled like your existing ecommerce solutions will ensure that customers navigating to your website will be redirected to the more mobile friendly version. By mobile friendly we mean bigger buttons for touch screens, simplified features boiling everything down to its core essence. Another major benefit is with a slimmed down customer mobile site it will be a lot smaller, download faster and run quicker on a mobile device. Another alternative is to use coding that resizes and moulds your existing ecommerce website to fit the smaller screens of a mobile device. This does however have the slight issue of it being a large and slow website to download.


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