Your own ecommerce website is just one way to sell your products. With a multichannel ecommerce strategy you could boost sales by making it easier to buy your products on tablets and smart phones. It can also become easier to sell overseas, as well as through sites such as Amazon and eBay. In order for your multichannel ecommerce to be successful, however, you need make sure it is an effective strategy which won’t waste time and money.
What Is Multichannel Ecommerce?
Multichannel ecommerce allows online businesses to sell products through other market places alongside their ecommerce website. Many businesses are now seeing the benefits of selling through a variety of channels, which will lead to greater exposure for their business and allows them to reach millions of customers they may not have reached without a multichannel ecommerce strategy. At Store Express, we can give you the ability to sell through websites such as eBay and Amazon through one interface, which makes it easier to manage.
How Can I Achieve A More Effective Multichannel Ecommerce Strategy?
In order to have an effective multichannel ecommerce strategy you need a quality online presence which won’t put off potential customers. The online shopping and website experience must also be convenient and safe for shoppers to trust your business. Here are just some ways to make your multichannel ecommerce strategy more effective.
Customer Experience – In order for your business to be successful online, you need to ensure the quality of the customer experience. The online presence of the business needs to be consistent across multiple platforms, from mobile to desktop. On each platform, the customer needs to recognise the brand. The business also needs to be present on social media to enhance the exposure of your brand and allow you to communicate with customers.
Go International – An ecommerce website provides a cheap option for selling products internationally. One simple solution is to include international payment and delivery options on the site.
Mobile – The future is mobile and within a couple of years most shoppers will be using mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets to shop online. Customers use mobile to both book and buy online, so it’s a huge opportunity missed if the website is not accessible on more than one platform.
Shopping Trust – Because the customer is not physically picking up an item, they need to be able to trust the delivery of the online business. If there are delivery concerns, then the customer will pull out of buying. Online businesses need to be backed up by policies on returns and cancellations and ensure the delivery of products to enhance customer satisfaction. Customers also want to see the progress of their delivery after purchase.
Use Store Express For An Effective Multichannel Ecommerce Solution
We have over 10 years of ecommerce experience and during that period our experts have developed easy to manage multichannel ecommerce solutions. At Store Express, we can grow your business and help you achieve your highest ROI (Return On Investment.)
Talk to our experts today by calling 0845 050 3500 or e-mail to learn more.