Do you struggle with managing stock across multiple ecommerce platforms? Do you spend hours listing products onto eBay and your website?
These are pains which many businesses will experience online. It isnt just start up business but lots of developed ecommerce retailers also struggle with dodgy management systems and bodged integrations. Here at Store Express we can provide an easily manageable e-commerce solution which has an eBay integration that has been developed and is now streamlined to save you time and money!
What is eBay Integration?
EBay integration is an integrated between an eBay store and your website, bringing your store express ecommerce website and eBay store together to one single interface. This means that you can access, edit, add and remove content on your eBay store from within the EMS (ecommerce management system) of Store Express. Plus being able to see orders, control stock and manage payments, eBay integration provides you with the ability to control your ecommerce platforms from one place without logging into various accounts across the web.
Our e-commerce developers use the eBay API (application programming interface) to create this integrated solution. Giving you access in the EMS to send products straight to eBay. With the ability to list as “buy it now” and or auction products. You are also able to change delivery rules, pricing and returns if they are different to your ecommerce website.
Why Would I trade on eBay?
eBay is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in the world, trading in over 24 countries including America, India and China. By using eBay internationally you have the potential to reach millions of customers around the world that otherwise would never have found your products. If you don’t want to ship worldwide then eBay still has over 15 million users’ in the UK alone!
Whether your business is small or large an eBay store is a great marketplace to find out which products sell and which don’t. Many businesses use eBay to test new product sales before adding these to their ecommerce site.
The real question is why wouldn’t you sell on eBay? It gives you access to millions of customers, it’s easy to run and maintain and it makes millions of people profit every day!
Integrating my ecommerce website with eBay...
It’s not easy for any old person to integrate an ecommerce website with an eBay store. It takes experienced developers hours, to write coding, find and code in API’s, tweak the coding for you e-commerce site and more! Many online web services will offer eBay integrations that are what we would call a “bodge job”, leaving businesses struggling to handle the volume of orders they receive.
Store Express realise that to keep developing and growing as an online business, these integrations need to be streamlined, they need to be easy to use and most of all they need to work. That is why the Store Express ecommerce developers have spent year’s fine tuning our eBay integration. As a result of their hard work we can now provide our customers with a multichannel ecommerce solution that is suited to their needs, helps control stock and gives real time listings and changes.
To find out more about how Store Express eBay integration can help to grow your business online, call our experts on 0845 050 3500.