No matter the size of our business or how long your ecommerce website has been running, you want to know that your site has everything it needs to be a success.
Complicated ecommerce websites that are unattractive to the eye and do not have all the key elements clearly visible will put off potential customers from buying, or returning to your site again. Avoid this from happening to your ecommerce website with our top 10 essentials that every website needs.
10 Things That Are Essential To Your Ecommerce Website
- Logo – Make sure your brand is clear for everyone to see. Most businesses will have their logo positioned at the top of their site with everything else happening underneath it. Your logo will not only build familiarity but it will also create trust between you and your customers.
- Sales and offers – Make any promotions and/ or deals visible on your home page. We all know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but, we do not apply this rule to a home page: some of us judge a home page within one-twentieth of a second* which means you need to quickly get your offers across before your visitors start looking elsewhere!
- New / Popular products – Much like your current offers, make sure your new products are visible on your home page as well as your most popular items (as there is a high chance they is why many of your visitors click on your site). Lewis Dvorkin, Forbes Chief Product Officer, says “a web site’s home page announces loud and clear who you are and what you believe in” so clear presentation of your products and/ or services is essential to your homepage.
- Brands – If you offer popular or well known brands then let your customers know. Not everyone who visits your site will know exactly what they are looking for so it is beneficial to give a good idea of the products/services you have to entice them to look further.
- Shopping Cart – The design and layout for the shopping basket is very similar on every leading ecommerce website so it is advisable to have something that is along the same lines; this tends to be a visible cart, login box and search box normally grouped together on the top of the page.
- Payment options – Display your payment icons and options as this will help overseas buyers understand what their options are. It will also let any potential customers now what credit/debit cards you accept as well as what payment gateways you use, such as Paypal.
- Social media icons – Are you on Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest? Let your customers know with clear icons and links to your social media pages. Many of your site visitors will have daily access to these social media sites so it is good to let them know where they can find you and conveniently take them there via one click.
- Contact us - A big difference between ecommerce and shopping on the high street is face to face customer service. When visiting your site, people want to know there are ways to contact someone about any query they may have so a clear telephone number is essential along with full contact details made available on the site.
- Store finder – Do you have a show room or a store? Let your site users know! Depending on the product, some people prefer to purchase in person so having information about your store or stores you may have is essential.
- Trustmarks – Using well known and trusted external parties will build confidence with your customers. Trustmarks show that you are a secure site and your visitors will be more likely to make a purchase and enter private information if they are visible. Also, include any 5 star reviews, awards or recognised magazines/newspapers etc that have mentioned your brand.
Build Your Ecommerce Website With Store Express
Here at Store Express we provide complete ecommerce solutions for your business. We can design you a new site or revamp your current one and ensure you have all the essentials to make your ecommerce website is a thriving success.
For more information about our services and how we can help your ecommerce website then visit our website today. If you would like to speak to a member of the team then please call: 0845 050 3500 or email: