What Should you be Looking for in an Ecommerce Website?
If you’re looking to have an online store built to sell your products, it’s important to have an understanding of the functionalities available via ecommerce solutions. Web shop’s go far beyond the customer interface and factors included in the Ecommerce Management System (EMS) can be the crux that makes or breaks your company.
First and foremost, it’s important to ensure that the hosting solution for your ecommerce website is reliable. If your website goes down at any point you could lose out on valuable business. We also need to make sure that our website is optimised to be found by search engines and displayed based on the products that we sell. Visibility is key, and having ecommerce websites that can’t be found by Google can have a catastrophic impact on revenue. Of course design and development is very important. An intuitive user interface with a clear catalogue structure will ensure that the traffic you do obtain is more likely to convert to sales. The ability to showcase the products you sell with a range of images, reviews and a clear description will help to maximise the customer experience.
The Right Administrator Functions for your Ecommerce Solutions
So we’ve got a website that tantalises the taste buds of our target market, but what features do we need to manage the orders from an administrator perspective?
Being able to manage stock control via the Ecommerce Management System ensures that we know exactly what we have in stock and allows the website to tell our customers when a particular product is no longer available. Managing payments with the functionality to print labels and invoices is a hugely efficient way to turn around orders. The ability to add and remove products to your ecommerce website quickly is also hugely beneficial.
Ensuring the website has widely used payment methods integrated from providers such as PayPal, accepting payments such as credit card, debit card from a trusted payment gateway is a great way to tell a good ecommerce solution and instill confidence to your customers.
If all of the functions and features detailed above are available for administrators to use in a user friendly manner, that’s the sign of a good ecommerce solution. StoreExpress is a high quality ecommerce solution offering you the opportunity to manage your ecommerce websites efficiently. You won’t be reliant upon developers to undertake the tasks detailed above thanks to the state of the art Ecommerce Management System.